It includes the classification of the book in the library. Books are classified according to DDC system. Book arrangement made according to subject wise.

Services offered by the central library:-

  • Inter Library Loan Facility: - - There are few colleges when they asked for the help of the books our central library provides the books on terms and conditions from Shri. V.S. Naik College, Raver and D.N. College, Faizpur.
  • Audio-Visual services: - The central library provides audio-visual system which includes 30 CD and DVD’s and 3 audio cassettes on various topics which includes speeches, spoken English, Marathi drama etc.
  • E-resources:- more than 500 e-books including reference, thesis are saved in hard disc and available for user’s utilizations in library.
  • Reference services:-Library has separate reference section. Important volumes of encyclopedia, reference books and material etc. are available in the reference section. Reference service this includes assistance to users in the use of library, locating specific documents, bibliographic and providing information on specific topics. This includes assistance to users in the use of Library, locating specific documents, bibliographic search and providing information on specific topics.
  • Reprographic services: - The central library supplies photocopy service to users from academic year 2012-13.
  • Best Library User Award:- The Central library reward Best library user award from academic Year 2011-12.
    Arun Vasant Awasarmal T.Y.B.A.(2011-12)
    Sandip Prabhakar Sonawane F.Y.B.A.(2012-13)
    Arjun Gangaram Vanjari S.Y.B.Sc.(2013-14)
    Tayade Mohini Ashok & Patil Neeta Balu S.Y.B.Sc. (2014-15)
    Patil Shivaji Bhagwan T.Y.B.Sc. (2015-16)
    Mahajan Dhanraj Balu T.Y.B.Sc (2016-17)
    Patil Rajesh Ramesh F.Y.B.Sc (2017-18)